We always refer patients to our Centers of Excellence first.  If that is not possible click below to see lists of physicians who have experience diagnosing and treating WD patients and support contacts who may be able to assist you.

Patient Assistance Programs

Drug assistance in US

Orphalan US Patient Assistance Program for CuvriorTM: Navigator Program

You can find more information at www.cuvrior.com or you can call and speak with one of our patient services care coordinators at 1-877-995-ORPH (6774)

The Navigator Program, Patient Support by Orphalan, is intended to provide access-related education and financial support offerings (when applicable and appropriate) to patients who meet certain program requirements in an effort to support them throughout their treatment journey. Find information about the CUVRIOR NAVIGATOR patient assistance program here: https://www.cuvrior.com/taking-cuvrior/patient-support-program/

Bausch U.S. Patient Assistance Program for Cuprimine and Syprine: WD Rx Access

You can find more information on http://www.wdrxaccess.com

It is important to know that patients need to re-enroll every year for patient assistance.

Galzin Assistance if you are on Medicare

If your claim for Galzin is rejected here is a sample appeal letter your doctor can use to help you deal with Medicare.

Drug Assistance Outside the US

The WDA has partnered with MAP International and Bausch to support an international medication assistance program for Cuprimine® and Syprine®. Limited amounts of these medications are generously donated by Bausch and shipped, at the request of the WDA, by MAP International. Shipping costs for this valuable program are covered by the WDA. To apply for this program please contact the Wilson Disease Association at Support@Wilsonsdisease.org.

Shipping Trientine to India through MAP International
The WDA is no longer able to ship Trientine to India through MAP International due to Indian rules. If you have any questions please contact:
Dr Seema Alam
Prof Pediatric Hepatology
Department of Pediatric Hepatology
Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences
D 1 Vasant Kunj
New Delhi 110070
M +919540951008

Angel Flight NEAngel Flight NE

Angel Flight NE, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that coordinates free air and ground transportation for medically stable patients seeking medical care for healthcare conditions including rare and ultra-rare diseases that requires them to travel hundreds if not thousands of miles for the specialized care they need.


Our vital mission is made possible thru the generosity of our volunteer pilots and commercial aviation partners who fly medically stable children & adults for FREE. We have been humbly providing our services for 27 years assisting more than 108,000 patients who have flown over 15 million miles to 750+ medical facilities throughout the United States.  We also provide our services to patients who need to travel internationally to receive specialized care.

Over the last several months, there has been an increase of flight requests for patients – children and adults – diagnosed with rare and ultra rare diseases. Our mission/flight coordinators, who are available 24×7, use our web-based system to schedule flight made possible by our 400+ volunteer pilots or commercial airline partners. These flights are completely FREE of charge to the patient & family for as long & as often as they need to fly.

Financial Patient Assistance

The WDA has some financial assistance opportunities.  Please see the policy.

Social Security and disability benefits for Wilson disease

It is helpful to patients with mainly liver disease.  Patients with severe neurological or psychiatric symptoms that render them unable to work or function normally may also qualify for disability benefits. Click here for more information.

Physician Contacts

Here is a list of physicians and institutions familiar with Wilson disease and/or accept Wilson disease patients.  This list is not inclusive, if your area is not listed, please contact the WDA office at info@wilsonsdisease.org for more information.

Dadour V. Dadourian
Adresss:  14 de Julio 1526
Buenos Aries (CP: C1430ENB), Argentina
Home Phone:  +54 (11) 4552-8556
Cell Phone:  +54 (911) 5577-7293
Email:  dadour.dadourian@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Peter Ferenci
Dept. Internal Medicine IV
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
University of Vienna
Vienna General Hospital (AKH)
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
A 1090 Wien
Phone: 43 1 40400 4741
Fax: 43 1 40400 4735

Dr. Egberto Reis Barbosa
Dept. of Clinical Neurology
Hospital das Clinicas da USP
Rua Dr, Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar – 225
CEP 05403-000
E-mail: egbertob@8415.com.br

Dr. Eduardo Cancado
Department of Gastroenterology
Hospital das Clinicas da USP
Rua Dr, Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar – 225
CEP 05403-00
Email: edulrc@uol.com.br
Website:  www.doencadewilson.org/

Dr. Eve Roberts
Hospital for Sick Children
Phone: (416) 813-7733
Email: eve.roberts@sickkids.ca

Diane W. Cox, Ph.D, FCCMG, FRSC
Professor of Medical Genetics
Department of Medical Genetics
8-39 Medical Sciences Building (office 43B)
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H7
Phone: 780-492-7501 (direct)
Medical Genetics Office: 780-492-0874 (Secretary)
Fax: 780-492-1998

Wenming Yang, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Professor
Department of Neurology
The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine
NO. 117 Meishan Road, Hefei, Anhui, ,China. 230031
Fax:86- 0551-62821605

Dr. Francisto J. Heiva
Escuela autonoma de Ciencias Medicas
Dr. A.V. Guzman
Aoartado 77-1007
San Jose
Costa Rica

Richard Hodes, M.D., F.A.C.P.
P.O. Box 7600
Addis Ababa
Phone: 251-1-613827/27
Fax: 251-1-612855

Prof. Wolfgang Stremmel, M.D.
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Department of Internal Medicine IV
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 5687-01
Fax: +49 6221 564116

Dr. Karl Heinz Weiss
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Department of Internal Medicine IV
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
D-69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-6221 56-37911
Fax: +49-6221 56-5255

Dr Sharat Varma
DNB, PhD (Paediatric hepatology)
European board certified in liver transplantation

Clinical lead consultant
Paediatric hepatology and gastroenterology
Max Hospitals – New Delhi (Saket, Gurgaon and PPG)
Email:  varma.sharat@yahoo.com
Phone: +91-11-66115050
Phone: +91-789-981-3007


Dr. Ashish Bavdekar
Associate Consultant
Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Liver and Gastroenterology Unit
Department of Pediatrics
T.D.H. Building, Ground Floor
K.E.M. Hospital, Rasta Peth
Pune 411011
Phone: 91-20-4037342/5538728
Mobile: 98220 56174
Fax: 91-020-6125603
E-mail: kemhrc@vsnl.com or bavdekar@vsnl.com
Clinics for Wilson’s Disease:
Mondays and Thursdays 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

India – Mumbai
E-mail: pedliver@gmail.com
Clinics for Wilson’s Disease Patients:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
For appointments, phone: 91-22- 24222160 (after 4 pm)

Dr. Aabha Nagral,
Consultant Adult and Pediatric Hepatologist
O-18, Bhavna Building 2nd floor
Veer Savarkar Road
Prabhadevi Clinic

Prof. Yaron Ilan, M.D.
Liver and Gastroenterology Units
Department of Medicine
Hadassah University Hospital
P.O. Box 12000, 91120 Jerusalem
Phone: 972-2-6420338
E-mail: ilan@hadassah.org.il

Dr. Ran Oren
Liver Unit
Urasky Medical Center
Tel Aviv
Phone: 972-3-6974280

Dr. Giacomo Carlo Sturniolo
Universita Degu Studi Di Padova
Dept. Scienze Chirurgiche e Gastroenterologishce
Div. Gastroenterologia, Via Giustiniani, 2
Padova 35127
Phone: +39-49-8218726
Fax: +39-49-8760820
E-mail: gc.sturniolo@unipd.it

Massimo Zuin, M.D.
San Paolo School of Medicine – Clinica Medica
University of Milan
via A. Di Rudinì, 8
Milan 20142
Phone: +39.02.89129975
Fax +39.02.89123960
E-mail: massimo.zuin@unimi.it

Kenji Nakayama, Ph.D.
Department of Clinical Pathology
Hokkaido Institute of Public Health
Phone: +81-11-747-2211 (Ex. 731)
Fax: +81-11-736-9476

Natalia Mocanu, MD
National Center for Reproductive Health and Medical Genetics
Str. Buresbista 82
2062 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
phone/fax: +373 22 568466
email: gmocanud@yahoo.com

Edward J. Gane, MBchB, M.D., FRACP
Associate Professor of Medicine
New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit
Auckland Hospital
Park Road
New Zealand
Phone: 00-649-529-4001
Fax: 00-649-529-4061
Mobile: 00-64-21-548-371 (LIVER1)

Anna Czlonkowska, M.D.
2nd Neurology
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology
02 957 Warsaw, Poland
+48 691 859 956

Cristina Maria Mihai, M.D.
Constanta County Hospital
Pediatric Department, 8-th Floor
145 Tomis Boulevard
Constanta 900591
Phone/Fax: +40 241 553334
E-mail: cristinamaria_mihai@hotmail.com

Razvan Iacob, M.D.
Institutul Clinic Fundeni
Centrul de Gastroenterologie si Hepatologie
Sos. Fundeni 258
022328 Bucuresti, sector 2
phone/fax: +40 21 2410450

Slobodan Kazic,M.D.
Zvezdara Hospital
Dimitrija Tucovica 161
11000 Belgrade
e mail: kazic@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.rs
Phone: +38 111 241 0275


Valentina Medici MD, FAASLD
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
University of California Davis
Sacramento, California
phone 916 734 3751


Pramod K. Mistry, MD, PhD, FRCP, FAASLD,
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics,
Professor of Cellular & Molecular Physiology,
Pramod K. Mistry MD, PhD
Internal Medicine
Yale School of Medicine and Yale New Haven Hospital.
New Haven, CT
203 785 3412

Dr. Michael Schilsky
Yale University School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street/1080 LMP
P.O. Box 208019
New Haven, CT 06520-8019
E-Mail: Michael.schilsky@yale.edu
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Schilsky,
contact Ms. Eta Kaplan at 203-737-1592


Lance L Stein MD
Piedmont Transplant Institute
Piedmont Atlanta Hospital
(Additional satellite clinic office locations in Athens, Albany, Dalton, Macon, savannah – all in Georgia)
Clin asst prof of medicine, Mercer university school of medicine
1968 Peachtree Road NW
77 Building, 5th Floor
Office 404-605-4669


Craig Lammert
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Indiana University School of Medicine
Office number/appointments: 317-944-0980
550 North University Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46202


University of Michigan Hospital
Fred Askari, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Michigan Hospital
Liver Clinic
1st floor Taubman Center Area G
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Phone: 800-333-9013
Fax: 734-763-4574
Appointments 800-333-9013
E-mail: faskari@umich.edu

Dr. George Brewer
Phone:  734-332-7810
E-mail: brewergj@umich.edu

Dr. Joseph Eisenach
Phone: (816) 478-2000
E-mail: jbeisenach@AOL.com

New York

Elizabeth Verna, MD
Columbia University Medical
633 W 168th Street
New York, NY 10032

Miodra Velickovic, M.D.
Movement Disorders Center
Box 1637
Department of Neurology
The Mount Sinai Medical Center
5 East Street, 1st Floor
New York, NY 10029-6574
Phone: (212) 241-5607
E-mail: miodrag.velickovic@mssm.edu


Pierre M. Gholam, MD, FAASLD, AGAF
Medical Director, Liver Center of Excellence
Digestive Health Institute
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Director, Multidisciplinary Hepatobiliary Tumor Program
Seidman Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
11100 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44106
P (216) 286-6757
F (216) 844-7480

James Squireds, MD
Veena Venkat, MD
Simon Horslen, MD
Children’s Hospital Pittsburg
4401 Penn Avenue
Pittsburg, PA 15213

Arthur Mcullough, MD
Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44195
216-444-6526 (apt)
216-444-6521 (desk)
216-444-2766 (Hepatology dept)


Peter Hedera, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
Vanderbilt University
465 21st Avenue, South
6140 MRB III
Nashville, TN 37232-8552
Phone: (615) 936-3920
Fax: (615) 322-5517
E-mail: peter.hedera@vanderbilt.edu


Tamir Miloh, MD
Director of Pediatric Hepatology and Liver Transplant Medicine
Texas Children’s Hospital
Associate Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
Phone: 832-822-3671


Sihoun Hahn, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Biochemical Genetics Program
Seattle Children’s Hospital
4800 Sand Point Way NE, Mailstop: B-6594
Seattle, WA 98105
Phone: 206-987-7610
E-mail: sihahn@u.washington.edu

The pediatric team will see adult patients at the University of Washington.
For information/appointments (pediatric and adult) please contact:
Ashley Atkinson, RN, BSN, CPON
Appointments: Fax referral and records to (206) 985-3121
E-mail: Ashley.Atkinson@seattlechildrens.org

Kris Kowdley, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology/Hepatology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Phone: (206) 598-2076
Fax: (206) 598-6706
E-mail: kkowdley@u.washington.edu

Dr. Godfrey Gillett
Consultant, Clinical Biochemistry, Inherited
Metabolic Disease in Adults
Clinical Chemistry
Northern General Hospital
Herries Road
Sheffield S5 7AU
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 114 271 4316
fax: +44 114 271 4505

Hoang Le Phuc, MD
Department of Gastroenterology
Children’s Hospital #1
341 Su Van Hanh
Ho Chi Minh City

Peer Support Contacts

Here is a listing of individuals who can offer support and information to those living with Wilson disease and their families.  If you are willing to offer support to those in your area, please contact us at WDambassadors@wilsonsdisease.org

Dadour V. Dadourian
Adresss:  14 de Julio 1526
Buenos Aries (CP: C1430ENB), Argentina
Home Phone:  +54 (11) 4552-8556
Cell Phone:  +54 (911) 5577-7293
Email:  losdadourian@arnet.com.ar

Dalia Mikha
Fax: +61 (03) 9359 4980
TTY (only AU): 133677 + (03) 93594980
Susan Kuiper
Phone: +61 (0)458655029
Email: fiery_wa@hotmail.com

Belinda Starr
Phone: +61 (0) 429857445
Email:  davsta4@bigpond.com

Morbus Wilson Selbsthilfegrouppe
C/O Susanne Danziger
Cumberlandtstr. 12
A-1140 Vienna, Austria
Phone/Fax: + 43 (1) 894 27 19
Email: kontakt@morbus-wilson.at
Website: www.morbus-wilson.at

Associacaio Brasileira dos doentes de Wilson
Sonia Knopf / Maria Aparecida Mesquita Ribeiror
Haddock Lobo, 250 – ap. 305
CEP 01414-000
Phone:  (55-11) 3214-5520
Fax:  (55-11) 3824-7666
Email: associacao@doencadewilson.org

Lucio Mazza
Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 2791 apto 112
01401-000, Sao Paulo, SP  Brazil
Phone:  5511-3057-1572
Email:  lmazza@uol.com.br

Bulgarian Association Wilson’s Disease (BAWD)
Ivelina Ivanova
Sofijski geroj Str., bl.116, ent.A, ap. 6
Sofia 1612
Mob: +359 (0) 897 99 35 65
E-mail: info@wilsonbg.org
Web: www.wilsonbg.org

Jean Perog
#34- 1901 Maxwell Ave
Merritt, British Columbia V1K 1L9
Phone: (250) 315-1832
Email: jperog1989@gmail.com

Darlene T. Burton
5 Woodbury Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
B2V 2R6
Email: darlene.burton@nscc.ca

Sandra Tan
phone: 86-13666516055
email: 273736045@qq.com

Ms. Carolina Alfaro Jimenez
Urb. La Estrella, casa 40-A
Detras de Tica Linda,
Frente a la Fosforera
Phone: (506)815-75-65
Email:  carolinaalfaro@hotmail.com

Ivana Pijevic
Email:  ivanapijevic@yahoo.com

Wilson Disease Patient Association
Lisbet Ottesen, President
Email:  info@wilsons.dk
Website:  www.wilsons.dk

Sameh Fouad
Email:  Samehfouad2@yahoo.com
Cell Phone: 0020110577700
Skype:  Thsales135

Wilson Disease Patient Organization of Germany:
Morbus Wilson e.V.

Mailing address:
Seefeldstraße 28a
D-97273 Kürnach

Phone: +4930 80 49 84 86

Email: info@morbus-wilson.de

Dr. D.P. Pande, Ph.D., President, WISDOM
Voice mail / Phone: 91-22-2559 5515 (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.) or 2557 2947 (8:00 – 9:00 p.m.)
Email patient support: indiawisdom@yahoo.com
Email research collaborations: indiawisdom@hotmail.com
Dhawalgiri 17A
Anushakti Nagar PO
Mumbai 400094

Dr. Ashish Sabharwal
B-70, Greenwood City
Sector 45, Gurgaon
HARYANA -122001
Phone: 91-124-4223330
Cell: 91-9811155001
Email: drashishsaabharwal@gmail.com

E-mail: pedliver@gmail.com
Clinics for Wilson’s Disease Patients:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
For appointments, phone: 91-22- 24222160 (after 4 pm)
Dr. Aabha Nagral,
Consultant Adult and Pediatric Hepatologist
O-18, Bhavna Building 2nd floor
Veer Savarkar Road
Prabhadevi Clinic

contact : 7209295501 (priority)
address : q.no. 33/1/5, chhota govindpur,jamshedpur,jharkhand,india.
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dip.shrot.50

Natalie Vozian
B-dul. Decebal 82/2, ap. 123
MD-2038 Chisinau
Republic of Moldova
Phone: +373 22 530290
Mobile:  +373 69 372638
Email:  nati_vozian@yahoo.com

Sanam Noor
B/17 Jason VIP Apptts.
Boat Basin, Clifton, Karachi
Sindh, Pakistan
Email: sanamnoor90@yahoo.com

Irfana Jabeen Khan
Karachi, Pakistan
Email: irfanajabeenkhan@gmail.com
Mobile: 021 03369209203

Rosario Vilma C. Dee
066 Sto. Nino Street,  Carmencita Village,
Talon 3, Las Pinas City,  Philippines 1701
Cell Phone :  (632)9175563814
Landline Phone:  (632) 8-8020337
email:   wdphils@hotmail.com

Daniel Diaz Rubayo DMD 
Email: ddrubayo@gmail.com
787-948-9386 (personal cellphone number)
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Adela Sandler
Elias-Eller-Str. 146
D-42369 Wuppertal
Phone:  +49 202 2986437
Email: andler@paritael-nrw.org

Monica Toth
Str. Nucului nr. 13, bloc. B5, ap.6
551112 Medias Romania
Phone:  +40 269 845136
Email:  monica_toth@yahoo.com
Website:  www.wda-romania.org

Pauline Castellan
Email:  castellan@telkomsa.net

Linda Hart
36 Audley Drive
Beeston, Nottingham
Phone:  0115 8498803
Email: Linda@wilsonsdisease.org.uk and Linda.hart37@ntlworld.com

Mrs. Valerie Wheater
(also for information regarding genealogy)
38 Grantchester Road, Cambridge
Website:  www.wilsonsdisease.org.uk/

Ahsan Ahmad
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: 630-857-0852
Email:  ahsan.ahmad@yale.edu

George Feldmann
300 S. Bryan Road Unit N-9
Mission, Texas 78572
Phone: 956-519-5296
Email:  feldmann.george@yahoo.com

Len Pytlak
4202 Bayview Dr
Beaverton, MI 48612
Phone: 989-750-8831
Email:  lenpytlak@icloud

Rob Stall MD
Buffalo, NY
Phone: 716-861-1312
Email:  drstall@stallgeriatrics.com
Website:  http://stallgeriatrics.com/wd/


Your support allows the WDA to maintain this website, produce educational materials, support research, and hold meetings for people living with WD, their families, and the healthcare community.


As a member, you have the opportunity to communicate your concerns, share your experiences, learn about the most recent advances in Wilson disease treatment and research, and contribute to important decisions that need to be made so the WDA can be a strong patient advocacy group


Contact Us