Wilson Disease Centers of Excellence
The WDA Centers of Excellence provide physicians who are well trained in the diagnosis and treatment of Wilson’s Disease, physician training and research regarding Wilson disease, broad services needed by Wilson Disease patients and their families, and technical support required by patients (including laboratory metal analysis).
To learn more about the WDAs criteria in designating a Center of Excellence, click here. If your institution is interested in becoming a Center of Excellence, please contact Rhonda Rowland, WDA President, at Rhonda.Rowland@wilsonsdisease.org.
United States Centers of Excellence
Baylor College –Texas Children’s Hospital and St Luke’s Hospital
Center Directors:
John Vierling, MD Adult Hepatology
832 355 1400 (Office, 24/7)
713-610-2479 (FAX)
Other Team Members:UNOS Medical Directors of liver transplantation- Rise Stribling, MD Hepatology/Baylor-St Luke’s Medical Center (adult), Surgical Director of liver transplantation- John Goss, MD Transplant Surgery, Clinicians- Norman Sussman, MD Adult Hepatology/GI , Saira Khaderi, MD Adult Hepatology/GI, Ryan Himes, MD Pediatric Hepatology/GI ,Daniel Leung, MD, BS Pediatric Hepatology/GI, Joseph Jankovic, MD Adult Neurology/Movement disorder, Mered Parnes, MD, BA Pediatric Neurology/Movement disorder, Brendan Lee, MD, Ph.D. Genetics, David Coats, MD Ophthalmology, Ayse Arikan, MD Nephrology, Intensive care (Extracorporeal Liver Support), Nutritionist- Stacy Beer, MPH, RD, LD Liver Nutritionist, Neuropsychologist- Susan Caudle, M.A, B.A. Psychology, Social worker- Lucero Gonzalez, LCSW Social work, Child life specialist- Holly Peckover, MS, CCLS Child Life, Psychiatry- TBD Psychiatry Section, Genetic counselor- TBD Genetic counseling, Administration- Sara Gonzalez-Quezada,Program administrator
Valentina Medici, MD
University of California, Davis
Valentina Medici, MD
Vice Chief for Academic Affairs
Vice Chair for Research
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
3160 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, California
Phone number for referrals: (800)-482-3284
Fax number: 916-703-6048
Email: vmedici@ucdavis.edu
Lin Zhang, MD PhD
Lin Zhang, MD PhD
Department of Neurology
Director, the PF COE for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration
Chief, Movement Disorder Section
Phone number for referrals: 916-734-3588 or (800)-482-3284
Fax number: 916-703-7911 or 916-734-6525
Email: mdzhang@ucdavis.edu
Other Team Members
Hepatology: Valentina Medici, MD; Christopher Bowlus, MD; Vikrant Rachakonda MD. Transplant Hepatology: Lydia Aye, MD; Liver Transplant and hepatobiliary surgery: Sophoclis P. Alexopoulos, MD; Lea Matsuoka, MD
Neurology, Movement Disorders: Lin Zhang, MD PhD; Kristina Hart, MD; Christopher Campos, MD; Jon Snider, MD
Psychiatry: Debrah Kahn, MD; Christina Lee, MD, MPH
APPs: Laura Sperry, RN, MSN, ANP-C; Teri Swanson, RN, MSN, ANP-C
Nutritionists: Elaine Souza, RD
Otorinolaryngology: Arnaud F. Bewley, M.D.
Clinical Research: clinical research supervisor Sandeep Dhaliwal MD, CCRP, CCRC ;
Clinical research coordinator Lara Rivera Ocumen, CCRC
For clinical trials, please contact:
Sandeep Dhaliwal MD, CCRP, CCRC 916 734 8696
Jeff Bronstein, MD, PhD
University of California at Los Angeles
Director: Jeff Bronstein, MD, PhD
UCLA Neurology Department
710 Westwood Plaza Suite C128
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1769
For appointments: Elizabeth Ross: (310) 206-9799
Fax: (310) 206-9819
E-mail: jbronste@mednet.ucla.edu
Other Team Members:
Hepatology: Sammy Saab MD; Hepatic Transplantation: Sammy Saab MD; Movement Disorders: Jeff Bronstein MD, PhD; Neurology: Jeff Bronstein MD, PhD; Ophthalmology: Joseph Demer MD, PhD; Research Coordinator: Diane Yang; Speech Therapy: Lisa Bolden
Jason Margolesky, MD, FAAN
University of Miami/Jackson Health Systems (Miami, Florida)
Jason Margolesky, MD, FAAN
Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology
Director, Neurology Residency Program
Vice Chair for Education, Department of Neurology
Movement Disorders Division
Email: jhmargolesky@med.miami.edu
Appointments: 305 243 3100
Cynthia Levy, MD, FAASLD
Cynthia Levy, MD, FAASLD
Arthur Hertz Chair in Liver Diseases
Division of Digestive Health and Liver Diseases
Associate Director, Schiff Center for Liver Diseases
Email: clevy@med.miami.edu
Appointments: 305 243 8644
Other Team Members:
Adult liver transplantation: Eric Martin, MD
Pediatric liver transplantation: Jenn Garcia, MD
Child Neurology: Roberto Lopez Alberola, MD
Ophthalmology: Jaime D Martinez, MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology: Angela Y Zhu, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: Gemayaret Alvarez-Gonzalez, MD
Neuropsychology: Marina Sarno, PsyD
Speech-Language Pathologist: Tin Wai (Tiffany) Sui, MS
Dietician: Christy Figueredo, MS, RD, CSP
Social Work: Floribeth M Arraut, MSW, LCSW
Research Coordinator: Maria Lourdes Olsen
For appointments please call: 305-243-8644 (hepatology) or 305 243 3100 (neurology)
University of Michigan Hospital
Director – Fred Askari, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Liver Clinic
1st floor Taubman Center Area G
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Phone: 800-333-9013
Fax: 734-763-4574
Appointments 800-333-9013
E-mail: faskari@umich.edu
Other Team Members: Jeffrey Innis, MD, PhD – Genetic Counselor; Fred Askari, M.D., PhD – Section of Transplantation and Hepatology, Martha Carlson MD, PhD – Pediatrics; Matthew Lorincz, MD, PhD (Adult) and Martha Carlson, MD, PhD(Pediatric) – Movement Disorder Specialist, Neurology; Jonathon Trobe, MD – Opthalmology; Scot Winder, MD – Psychiatrist; Elizabeth Kovan – Research Coordinatior; : Karen Kluin ,MS – Speech Therapy; Kelly Shehan,MS – Dietician
Northwestern University
Director: Danny Bega, MD, MSCI
Associate Professor of Neurology
Division of Movement Disorders
Co-director: Amanda C. Cheung, MD
Assistant Professor, Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology)
Feinberg School of Medicine
259 E Erie St, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60611
For appointments: 312-695-7950
Other Team Members:
Hepatology: Amanda Cheung, MD; Hepatic Transplantation: Juan Carlos Caicedo, MD; Movement Disorders: Danny Bega, MD; Neurology: Danny Bega, MD; Ophthalmology: Onur Melen, MD; Pediatrics: Joanna Blackburn, MD (Lurie Children’s Hospital); Psychiatry: Eric Gausche, MD (Neuropsychiatry); Dietitians/Nutritional Consultants: Brittany Zelikoff; Physical and Rehabilitation Therapy: We have a multi-disciplinary clinic at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab which is affiliated with Northwestern and located on our campus. This includes physiatry, PT, OT, speech, and dietician.; Research Coordinator: ZsaZsa Brown; Social Work: Emily Zivin, LCSW; Speech Therapy: Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Team; Other: Genetic Counselor: Lisa Kinsley
Watch: Advances in Wilson Disease Management
Updated August 2022
Sihoun Hahn, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Sihoun Hahn, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Pediatrics; Director, Biochemical Genetics Program
Seattle Children’s Hospital
4800 Sand Point Way NE, Mailstop: OC.6.820
Seattle, WA 98105
Phone: 206-987-7610
E-Mail: sihahn@u.washington.edu
The pediatric team will see adult patients at the University of Washington. For information/appointments (pediatric and adult) please contact:
Jackie Foss E-mail: jackie.foss@seattlechildrens.org
Appointments: Fax referral and records to 206-985-3352
Phone: 206-987-3012. Scheduling is option 1, Nursing is option 4.
Other Team Members: Simon Horslen, MB ChB FRCPCH – Director of Transplantation, Pediatric Hepatologist, Pediatric Transplant Hepatologist; Renuka Bhattacharya, MD – Adult Hepatologist; Dararat (Pam) Mingbunjerdsuk, MD – Movement Disorder Specialist, Neurology; Ali Samii, MD – Adult Neurology; Avery Weiss, MD – Opthalmology; Nina de Lacy, MD, MBA – Psychiatry; Melissa Edwar, RD and Sarah Sullivan, RD – Metabolic Nutitionists; Andrea Barry-Smith – Social Work, Edie Anyieni, RN – Nursing; Genetic Counseling – TBD; Mary Moran – Program Administrator.
Sean R. Rudnick, MD, Director
North Carolina Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist
Sean R. Rudnick, MD., Director
Department of Internal Medicine
Section on Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Medical Center Boulevard Winston-Salem, NC 27157
E-Mail: srudnick@wakehealth.edu
For appointments contact:
Dee Faust
E-Mail: delannin@wakehealth.edu
Team Members: Bryan Badal MD, Sarah Edmonds PA, Michelle More, PA, Mark Russo MD, Phillippe Zamor MD, Paul Schmeltzer MD, Andrew deLemos MD, Steven Zacks MD, Natasha Adlaka MD (Adult Hepatology), Vanni Gopalareddy MD (Pediatric Hepatology), David Levi MD, Vincent Casingal MD, Jose R. Soto MD, Lon Eskind MD (Transplant Surgery) Jessica Tate MD, Ha Vo Green MHS, MPH, PA, Jennifer Wood PA (Neurology/Movement Disorders), Sahil Munjal MD (Psychiatry)
Updated January 2025
Yale University Medical Center
Dr. Michael Schilsky, Director
Yale University School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street/1080 LMP
P.O. Box 208019
New Haven, CT 06520-8019
E-Mail: Michael.schilsky@yale.edu
Fed Ex Address:
One Gilbert StreetFMP Bldg.,
Room FMP 408
New Haven, CT 06519
For Appointments: Naeroby, phone: 203-737-1592 fax: 203-737-1592
Other Team Members: Uyen To, MD – hepatology, Nigel Bamford, MD – pediatric neurologist, David Mulligan MD, Section of Transplantation and Immunology, Udeme Ekong MD, Pamela Valentino, MD – Pediatric Hepatologist, Pediatric Transplant Hepatologist; Amar Patel, MD – Movement Disorder Specialist, Neurology; Paula Zimbrean M.D. – Psychiatrists; Ilke Nabantoglu – Liver Pathologist; Ricarda Tomlin – Research Coordination; Lenore Hammers LCSW – Adult Social Worker, Michael Joyce LCSW – Pediatric Social Worker; Anne Marie Rivard NPH RD- Registered Worker; Anne Marie Rivard NPH RD- Registered Dietician, Dr. Uyen To, Adult Hepatology, Dr. Rima Fawaz and Pamela Valentino, Pediatric Hepatology, Dr. Amar Patel, Movement Disorders, Neurology, Dr. Paula Zimbrean, Psychiatry.
Watch: Yale Center of Excellence featured at the AASLD Liver Meeting
Outside the United States Centers of Excellence
Great Britain – South East Coast England
Director/Coordinator: Professor Aftab Ala, Director,Institute of Health and Research (NIHR) Lead for Hepatology South East Coast England, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey
phone: 0148357112 extension 6990
Team Members: Professor Aftab Ala –Hepatology; Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London –Hepatic Transplantation; Dr Jan Coebergh, MBBS FRCP –Movement Disorders; Dr Sofia Khan, MBBS MDRes FRCP –Neurology; Professor Simon Taylor (MB ChB PhD FCOpth) –Ophthalmology; Dr Ozan Hancip MBBS MRCPaed –Pediatrics; Dr Ranjit Mahanta (MBBS MRCPsych MSc DGM) –Psychiatric; Dr Charmian Banks and Dr Kalliopi Alexandropoulou – Dietitians/Nutritional Consultants; The physical / rehabilitation / occupational therapy teams will use their recognised expertise in the management of patients with Wilson disease, paticularly in those affected by neurolgical manifestations of Wilson disease – Physical and Rehabilitation Therapy; Sarah Martin –Research Coordinator; There are established expert and dedicated social services and Team who will work with our patients to help in the challenges of wilson disease –Social Work; The speech therapy team is fully integrated into the overarching stroke services and will be available for assessment and management –Speech Therapy; Dr Chris Harrington BSc (Hon), MSc, PhD, MRSC – Pathology and Diagnostics; Dr Nayana Lahiri MBBS MRCP – Consultant Clinical Geneticist; Professor Simon de.Lusignan s. BSc, MB BS, MSc, MD(Res), DRCOG, FHEA, FBCS CITP, FRCGP (email s.lusignan@surrey.ac.uk) -Primary Care & Clinical Informatics / Health Care Management / Clinical and Experimental Medicine; Dr Claire Kelly MBChB MRCP – Clinical Research Fellow (National Institute for Health and Research); Dr Marinos Pericleous MBBS BSc MRCP – Clinical Research Fellow.
Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Isabelle Mohr, MD, Director
Dr. Isabelle Mohr, MD
Internal Medicine IV
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg Germany
For Appointments:
Mrs. Andrea Langel
Internal Medicine IV
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg Germany
Phone: +49 6221 56-8388
Other Team Members: Prof. Markus Weiler, MD PhD and PD Dr. Heike Jacobi – Movement Disorders and Neurology; Prof. Dr. med. Gerd U. Auffarth, MD – Ophthalmology; Prof. Dr. med. G.F. Hoffmann, MD and Dr. Alexander Fichtner, MD – Pediatrics; Prof. Dr. Sabine Herpertz, MD – Psychiatry; Dr. Ulrike Zech, MD – Nutritional Consultant; Silke Günther – Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Andrea Langel and Jessica Langel – Research Coordinators; Mrs. Catrin Bauer, Mrs. Regine Remmert, Mrs. Sandra Wendland – Social Workers; Silke Ruf and Colleages – Speech Therapy; Dr. Med. Petra Wagenlechner – Other.
India – K.E.M. Hospital
Director: Dr. Ashish Bavdekar
Associate Professor
Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist
Liver and Gastroenterology Unit
Department of Pediatrics
T.D.H. Building, Ground Floor
K.E.M. Hospital, Rasta Peth
Pune 411011
For appointments: Mr. Mahendra Hoge
Phone: 91-20-66037342
Mobile: 98220 56174
Fax: 91-020-26125603
E-mail: peds@kemhrcpune.org or a.bavdekar@kemhrcpune.org
Clinics for Wilson Disease:
Mondays and Thursdays 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Other Team Members: Hepatology Dr. Ashish Bavdekar (Pediatric), Dr. Sheetal Mahajani (Adult); Hepatic Transplantation Dr. Snehavardhan Pandey (Pediatric), Dr. Sheetal Mahajani (Adult); Movement Disorders: Dr. Pradeep Diwate; Neurology: Dr. Abhijeet Botre (Pediatric), Dr. Pradeep Diwate (Adult); Ophthalmology: Dr. Sanjay Shah; Pediatrics: Dr. Ashish Bavdekar; Psychiatry Dr. Vasudeo Paralikar; Dietitians/Nutritional Consultants: Ms. Smita Kokitkar; Physical and Rehabilitation Therapy: Mrs. Bharati Patil; Research Coordinator: Dr. Shruti Inamdar; Social Work: Mr. Mahendra Hoge; Speech Therapy: Ms. Krutika Gajane; Other: Pediatric Nephrologist – Dr. Jyoti Sharma, Clinical Geneticist – Dr. Chaitanya Datar, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon – Dr. Sameer Desai, Clinical psychologist – Ms Madhavi Deshpande
Jaslok Hospital and Research Center
Director – Dr. Aabha Nagral,
Consultant Adult and Pediatric Hepatologist
O-18, Bhavna Building 2nd floor
Veer Savarkar Road
Prabhadevi Clinic
For appointments: (+91)22 24222160
E-mail: pedliver@gmail.com
Clinics for Wilson Disease Patients:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
For appointments, phone: 91-22- 24222160 (after 4 pm)
Other Team Members: Dr. Aahba Nagral – Hepatic Transplantation; Dr. Pettarusp Wadia– Movement Disorders & Neurology; Dr. Atul Ursekar– Ophthalmology; Dr. Fazal Nabi – Pediatrics; Dr. Amit Desai – Psychiatry; Suvarna Sawant – Dietitian; Dr. Ria Mansukhani – Physical and Rehabilitation Therapy; Dr. Priya Malde – Research Coordinator: Bakul Parulekar-Speech Therapy; Bhavna Shah-Social Worker.